dynamic equilibrium 0.99   It is in dynamic equilibrium with the stream.
  new equilibrium 0.99   How then would the new equilibrium be achieved?
  punctuated equilibrium 0.99   A period of punctuated equilibrium comes into existence.
  general equilibrium 0.92   The stability of the general equilibrium.
  economic equilibrium 0.59   The government is anxious not to upset the economic equilibrium.
  temporary equilibrium 0.46   The relationship between these three important variables is supposed to determine the characteristics of a state of temporary equilibrium.
  emotional equilibrium 0.39   For most people, emotional equilibrium returns in weeks or months.
  free equilibrium 0.39   Free Market equilibrium occurs at E.
  partial equilibrium 0.39   This account has so far been in partial equilibrium terms.
  competitive equilibrium 0.33   But in competitive equilibrium prices are performing a second role.
  political equilibrium 0.33   But after each setback, Hussein recovered his political equilibrium and turned adversity to his advantage.
  static equilibrium 0.33   Mechanical equilibrium, for example, is a form of static equilibrium.
  chemical equilibrium 0.26   Thus We shall look at chemical equilibria in detail in the following chapter.
  different equilibrium 0.26   The mixing of saturated waters with different equilibrium solubility concentrations can also cause further decomposition of calcite.
  fragile equilibrium 0.26   But their fragile equilibrium is upset when she becomes pregnant.
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