1.   A gastroscopy showed a severe inflammation of the stomach and proximal duodenum.

2.   Single ulcers develop in the proximal duodenum of about half the animals.

3.   PGA is localised mainly in the fundus, whereas PGC is distributed throughout the stomach and proximal duodenum.

4.   Mucosal resistance to acid was tested in anaesthetised rats by duodenal infusion of graded doses of HCl using a tube implanted in the proximal duodenum.

5.   The proximal duodenum was anastomosed to the recipient duodenum end-to-end with a running all-coats layer and interrupted seromuscular sutures.

a. + duodenum >>共 5
proximal 63.64%
isolated 9.09%
perfused 9.09%
procine 9.09%
recipient 9.09%
proximal + n. >>共 38
colon 11.96%
duodenum 7.61%
angle 6.52%
limb 6.52%
enteropathy 6.52%
bowel 5.43%
end 5.43%
hepaticojejunostomy 4.35%
arm 4.35%
adenoma 3.26%
每页显示:    共 7