1.   In some specimens the arm spines form a fan on the proximal arm segment.

2.   On the proximal arm segment the arm spines meet midradially forming a single fan.

3.   The ventral arm plates are pentagonal with a wide distal edge, and contiguous on proximal arm segments.

4.   They do not form a fan on proximal arm segments.

a. + arm >>共 1378
right 9.01%
left 7.88%
nuclear 7.18%
broken 3.30%
illegal 2.50%
international 2.23%
open 2.23%
strong 1.75%
upper 1.69%
new 1.51%
proximal 0.04%
proximal + n. >>共 38
colon 11.96%
duodenum 7.61%
angle 6.52%
limb 6.52%
enteropathy 6.52%
bowel 5.43%
end 5.43%
hepaticojejunostomy 4.35%
arm 4.35%
adenoma 3.26%
每页显示:    共 4