1.   Protestors blocked the site for two days, forcing the waste to be stored temporarily at a police station.

2.   The protestors have blocked roads and airstrips in various cities in the region.

3.   Protestors blocked fire engines from getting to the raging fires.

4.   As protestors block roads across the country, the capital Managua has started to suffer from food shortages.

5.   The protestors are blocking the transfer of radioactive waste to a storage site at Gorleben.

6.   The protestors blocked roads, burned tires, toppled an electrical power post and confronted riot police.

7.   German anti-nuclear protestors blocked railway tracks outside a nuclear power station on Sunday in a bid to stop the shipment of nuclear waste to Britain for reprocessing.

8.   However, protestors were blocking the main road to the capital Tirana.

9.   In the suburbs of the Basque city of Bilbao, protestors blocked roads and railways by setting fire to barricades.

10.   The protestors also blocked a railway, placing rocks across it, the witnesses said.

n. + block >>共 870
police 9.64%
government 3.16%
protester 2.52%
authority 2.16%
troop 2.09%
force 1.69%
demonstrator 1.66%
judge 1.64%
soldier 1.52%
official 1.47%
protestor 0.40%
protestor + v. >>共 234
say 4.65%
be 3.99%
demand 3.32%
throw 3.32%
block 2.26%
burn 2.13%
call 1.99%
try 1.86%
hurl 1.86%
march 1.73%
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