1.   Much worse could follow as the new board steers contracts to law and building firms, especially if a proposed enlargement of the canal goes ahead.

2.   Issues on the agenda include the proposed enlargement of NATO to include several central European countries, a move opposed by Russia.

3.   Those issues include the proposed enlargement of NATO to include several central European countries, a move opposed by Russia.

4.   Kinkel said Turkey should adopt a positive stance to the proposed enlargement of NATO into eastern and central Europe.

5.   Russia remains opposed to the proposed enlargement of the alliance.

6.   That conference is scheduled to reform European institutions in line with the proposed enlargement of the union.

a. + enlargement >>共 72
further 8.23%
eastward 7.59%
prostate 6.96%
planned 5.70%
ambitious 3.80%
eastern 3.80%
proposed 3.80%
future 3.16%
entire 2.53%
next 2.53%
proposed + n. >>共 766
change 5.00%
law 4.15%
merger 4.08%
legislation 4.05%
amendment 3.03%
rule 2.68%
settlement 2.45%
deal 2.25%
tax 1.93%
cut 1.82%
enlargement 0.05%
每页显示:    共 6