1.   By midyear the Union is supposed also to have sorted out the farm-policy and budgetary reforms that are needed to prepare it for eastward enlargement.

2.   Meanwhile, the agenda of internal unification has taken the time and energy of West European leaders away from the agenda of eastward enlargement.

3.   Next week the European Union will publish a blueprint for its eastward enlargement, too.

4.   It is the first time the union put a date on its eastward enlargement plans.

5.   Russia opposed the eastward enlargement of the alliance.

6.   Russia has opposed an eastward enlargement of the alliance.

7.   The decision marked the first time the EU put a date on its eastward enlargement.

8.   The EU has set no date for its eastward enlargement.

9.   The projected eastward enlargement of the military alliance is alarming to Russia.

10.   A Kremlin spokesman added that Russia does not consider the debate on the eastward enlargement of NATO is closed.

a. + enlargement >>共 72
further 8.23%
eastward 7.59%
prostate 6.96%
planned 5.70%
ambitious 3.80%
eastern 3.80%
proposed 3.80%
future 3.16%
entire 2.53%
next 2.53%
eastward + n. >>共 44
expansion 66.67%
enlargement 5.19%
movement 2.16%
move 2.16%
extension 1.30%
progress 1.30%
spread 1.30%
shift 1.30%
advance 0.87%
air 0.87%
每页显示:    共 12