1.   A diary based development and reporting approach was used in a few cases where close contact with the project team was feasible.

2.   In reality, the role of the project team and its contribution has been much more expansive.

3.   Now only I remain, over-committed and unable to give the intellectual leadership to the arts project team.

4.   Project teams are another example of a simple matrix structure.

5.   Satisfaction and motivation which comes from working as an essential part of a dedicated management team or multi-disciplinary project team.

6.   The critical analysis of local and central government performance by the project teams further precipitated the demise of the program.

7.   The three remaining suppliers were then visited by Mr Richards and the project team.

8.   The two companies will form an integrated project management team, sharing risks and rewards but not revenue or regulatory risks.

9.   The working environment is excellent and our project teams enjoy superb facilities, which include sophisticated instrumentation and computing equipment.

10.   RPD has important attributes for the company as a whole as well as for the project team.

n. + team >>共 560
football 7.08%
rescue 4.25%
baseball 4.21%
basketball 3.99%
management 3.62%
soccer 3.27%
expansion 2.68%
defense 2.51%
inspection 2.24%
championship 2.13%
project 0.21%
project + n. >>共 451
manager 14.70%
director 5.05%
management 4.69%
leader 4.06%
cost 2.71%
team 2.50%
work 2.45%
site 2.24%
official 1.98%
finance 1.56%
每页显示:    共 48