1.   Assignments will include process development, pilot plant and full scale production, project management and customer interface.

2.   Even so, the quality of project management is surely open to examination.

3.   Just like the first step in project management.

4.   On local training evenings, several topics are covered including project management, quality management, creative thinking and body language.

5.   Project management is therefore a matter which should begin to occupy the attention of the various bodies involved in harmonization.

6.   The first step in project management is to set a measurable objective.

n. + management >>共 652
asset 6.08%
risk 4.22%
money 4.07%
team 3.63%
project 2.29%
fund 2.21%
hotel 2.21%
company 1.91%
business 1.80%
water 1.70%
project + n. >>共 451
manager 14.70%
director 5.05%
management 4.69%
leader 4.06%
cost 2.71%
team 2.50%
work 2.45%
site 2.24%
official 1.98%
finance 1.56%
每页显示:    共 89