1.   Do the people of North Dakota disagree whether justice requires compensation for product defects that manufacturers could not reasonably have prevented?

2.   Federal regulations require companies to report any product defects they find to the Consumer Product Safety Commission.

3.   GE has launched a major drive to cut the number of product defects, reduce product returns and increase the reliability of its products and services.

4.   Reducing the burden of proof to show a company hid knowledge of a dangerous product defect and removing caps on the punitive damages that can be awarded against it.

5.   The company makes machine vision systems that industrial companies use to spot product defects.

6.   Federal law requires manufacturers to immediately report product defects to the safety commission.

7.   It would prescribe prison terms in the future for executives who withhold information about product defects resulting in fatalities.

8.   Insurance companies point to high-profile cases where plaintiffs and their attorneys have won astronomical sums in damages from medical malpractice, accidents or product defects.

n. + defect >>共 79
heart 29.45%
gene 7.19%
safety 5.82%
design 4.79%
auto 4.45%
brain 3.77%
valve 3.08%
character 2.74%
product 2.74%
vehicle 2.74%
product + n. >>共 705
line 13.05%
company 5.21%
development 4.93%
price 2.74%
placement 2.14%
manager 1.97%
maker 1.67%
future 1.64%
range 1.62%
category 1.45%
defect 0.14%
每页显示:    共 8