1.   And therein lies a problem, a particularly pertinent one in an era of feminist sensitivity.

2.   However, it is in reading that the major problem of achievement lies.

3.   Many problems lie ahead for the development of gas pipelines, but the prospects are increasingly positive.

4.   Problems lie somewhere between puzzles and policy issues.

5.   Problems may lie ahead.

6.   The problem lies in ethical anomie, philosophical befuddlement and the hypocrisy that today permeates every aspect of our so-called civilized world.

7.   The problem lies in how intangible assets are defined and valued.

8.   The problem lies in how to account for this, to the Western observer, astonishing phenomenon.

9.   The problem lies in the design of the rocket.

10.   The problem lies in the virtual absence of water in the Martian atmosphere.

n. + lie >>共 1905
body 4.21%
problem 3.38%
answer 3.28%
man 1.32%
future 1.17%
fault 1.13%
responsibility 0.97%
challenge 0.95%
solution 0.89%
people 0.89%
problem + v. >>共 326
be 56.64%
arise 2.80%
remain 1.94%
occur 1.33%
come 1.28%
exist 1.26%
have 1.18%
lie 1.15%
begin 1.11%
go 1.01%
每页显示:    共 247