1.   Earlier today, a minor technical problem occurred.

2.   Magpies and jackdaws appear to be the major culprits and the problem occurs most in the spring.

3.   Motorola denies that any such problems will occur and says it will meet the delivery schedule.

4.   Problems only occur when this attitude is taken to extremes.

5.   The first major communication problem occurred on the morning of departure.

6.   The first problem occurred when they left the road and moved off into the open desert.

7.   The problem occurs in the patient who has an occasional seizure, which alarms fellow workers and disrupts work activities.

8.   The same problem has occurred before on numerous occasions.

9.   There is often associated muscle weakness and sometimes heart problems can occur.

10.   These problems can occur in societies which are already developed and modern as well as in developing nations.

n. + occur >>共 919
incident 6.74%
accident 6.06%
attack 4.78%
explosion 4.08%
blast 2.84%
death 2.35%
shooting 2.24%
problem 1.82%
crash 1.75%
injury 1.56%
problem + v. >>共 326
be 56.64%
arise 2.80%
remain 1.94%
occur 1.33%
come 1.28%
exist 1.26%
have 1.18%
lie 1.15%
begin 1.11%
go 1.01%
每页显示:    共 285