1.   The president spoke of a new sense of responsibility and a new spirit of community.

2.   The president was speaking in the lofty but dull rhetoric of public policy.

3.   And it is his understanding that the president did not speak to Woodward about such an encounter.

4.   And the president has spoken warmly of another GOP idea, tax cuts.

5.   And the president spoke whimsically about his own years in office as he noted that he was going to be followed at the microphone by a magician.

6.   Another aide to Chun said the former president spoke to his sons, but it is unclear exactly what they discussed.

7.   As the president spoke, authorities continued to search for people who have been unaccounted for since the tornadoes struck.

8.   As the president speaks, a teen-ager is shown lighting a marijuana cigarette.

9.   As the president spoke the stock market ticked upward.

10.   As the president spoke, however, House Democratic Leader Dick Gephardt and Senate Democratic Leader Tom Daschle were preparing to outline their alternative to his budget.

n. + speak >>共 1337
official 5.84%
people 3.99%
president 3.66%
leader 3.04%
man 2.89%
two 2.12%
report 1.27%
member 1.18%
source 1.10%
action 1.08%
president + v. >>共 673
be 11.15%
say 7.53%
have 4.79%
make 2.04%
meet 1.35%
take 1.34%
want 1.26%
speak 1.06%
call 1.00%
sign 1.00%
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