1.   The president wants to explore every avenue towards peace in the region.

2.   The president wants to make it easier for small businesses to get bank loans.

3.   And I told him that if the president wanted this, I would have been tasked through my chain of command, by Tony and Sandy.

4.   And he said that Mack was also representing this because the president wanted him to do this.

5.   And the president wants to make sure that that criminal investigation will take itself wherever it needs to go, and that justice should be done.

6.   And the president wants copies, too.

7.   And the union president would not want to hear what Oakley might say.

8.   And they clearly intend to pursue a similar strategy against whatever else the president wants in the future.

9.   At the same time, spokesman Mike McCurry said, the president wants to lay down a marker as the legislation moves through Congress.

10.   Both sides agree on the credit in principle, but the president wants to ensure the break is extended to low-income families.

n. + want >>共 751
people 6.41%
government 4.57%
company 3.72%
official 2.50%
group 1.94%
leader 1.46%
administration 1.41%
investor 1.24%
owner 1.21%
country 1.21%
president 0.98%
president + v. >>共 673
be 11.15%
say 7.53%
have 4.79%
make 2.04%
meet 1.35%
take 1.34%
want 1.26%
speak 1.06%
call 1.00%
sign 1.00%
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