1.   But excessive concern about Chinese sensitivity can lead to policy paralysis.

2.   But it would at least free Aramco from its current policy paralysis.

3.   Policy paralysis seems to have overtaken Japanese politicians, who appear unwilling to take steps to solve their well-documented problems.

4.   Remember the policy paralysis.

n. + paralysis >>共 21
sleep 32.56%
muscle 11.63%
policy 9.30%
childhood 4.65%
government 4.65%
analysis 2.33%
capitol 2.33%
communication 2.33%
day 2.33%
hind-leg 2.33%
policy + n. >>共 754
maker 8.32%
change 6.86%
meeting 5.05%
issue 3.80%
decision 3.67%
statement 2.88%
difference 2.11%
shift 2.03%
speech 1.73%
adviser 1.68%
paralysis 0.06%
每页显示:    共 4