1.   Injections of botulism toxin, which are primarily used to treat wrinkles, have also been shown to reduce headache because they cause muscle paralysis, Mauskop added.

2.   They cause temporary muscle paralysis, loss of control of bodily functions and intense pain.

3.   Poliomyelitis is a viral infection of the central nervous system that can result in muscle paralysis.

4.   Polio, short for Poliomyelitis, is a viral infection of the central nervous system that can result in muscle paralysis.

5.   The disease can cause muscle paralysis and vision and breathing problems.

n. + paralysis >>共 21
sleep 32.56%
muscle 11.63%
policy 9.30%
childhood 4.65%
government 4.65%
analysis 2.33%
capitol 2.33%
communication 2.33%
day 2.33%
hind-leg 2.33%
muscle + n. >>共 222
injury 8.36%
strain 7.53%
pain 5.59%
cell 5.26%
spasm 5.20%
tissue 4.04%
tone 3.32%
problem 2.88%
relaxant 2.82%
ache 2.55%
paralysis 0.28%
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