1.   A plaintiff may claim for personal injuries and damage to property.

2.   The plaintiff claimed for breach of statutory duty.

3.   The plaintiff claimed damage to the vocal chords as a result of the operation.

4.   Where a plaintiff claims aggravated, exemplary or provisional damages the particulars of claim must so state and the facts relied on must be pleaded.

5.   The plaintiff therefore claims the said sum of continuing interest and costs.

6.   The plaintiff might claim that during the period between the accident and the trial he would have been promoted and received earnings higher than his pre-accident earnings.

7.   By notice of motion the plaintiffs claimed an interlocutory order restraining the defendants from making any use of any information derived from the privileged documents.

8.   Before the plaintiffs can claim their money, Superior Court Judge Hiroshi Fujisaki must decide if the awards are reasonable, or inflated by irrational passions.

n. + claim >>共 721
group 11.62%
official 4.05%
government 3.92%
side 2.70%
rebel 2.03%
critic 1.83%
company 1.83%
police 1.64%
authority 1.48%
leader 1.47%
plaintiff 0.41%
plaintiff + v. >>共 273
be 12.40%
say 8.25%
have 5.50%
seek 3.96%
claim 3.26%
argue 2.81%
sue 2.75%
allege 2.24%
include 2.05%
win 1.98%
每页显示:    共 51