1.   Environmental groups complain that the government is getting its advice from the pesticide industry.

2.   Johnson said that in three or four recent cases, the agency had looked at human tests submitted by the pesticide industry.

3.   The bills are opposed by the pesticide industry.

4.   The pesticide industry is fretting that approval of some new chemicals is being delayed while uses of old ones are jeopardized.

5.   The pesticide industry, represented largely by the American Crop Protection Association, sought to weaken or delay regulations affecting some of its best-selling products.

6.   Moyers is also being cautious because of an experience reporting on the pesticide industry nine years ago.

7.   The pesticide industry and a leading anti-pesticide environmental group agreed Tuesday on legislation requiring that public schools nationwide notify parents about the use of bug-killing chemicals.

n. + industry >>共 483
tobacco 5.90%
oil 3.86%
auto 3.65%
computer 3.19%
airline 2.84%
entertainment 2.78%
construction 2.45%
service 2.36%
music 2.18%
telecommunication 2.15%
pesticide 0.03%
pesticide + n. >>共 108
residue 17.06%
use 15.88%
level 3.24%
contamination 3.24%
regulation 2.65%
manufacturer 2.35%
plant 2.06%
industry 2.06%
test 2.06%
exposure 2.06%
每页显示:    共 7