1.   Computer technology has revolutionized the entertainment industry.

2.   However, the biggest challenge we face today is a willingness by some in the entertainment industry to produce whatever sells.

3.   McElwee sees Los Angeles and its entertainment industry through the eyes of a bemused Easterner.

4.   The entertainment industry also is hot.

5.   The entertainment industry has experienced its share of protests and boycotts.

6.   The entertainment industry has vehemently objected to the V-chip and ratings system as tantamount to government censorship.

7.   The entertainment industry is, of course, rife with synthetic body parts, including hair.

8.   The entertainment industry now employs more people than the aerospace industry.

9.   The Pittsburgh-based Westinghouse is sharply reducing its longstanding role as a military contractor in order to strengthen ties to the entertainment industry.

n. + industry >>共 483
tobacco 5.90%
oil 3.86%
auto 3.65%
computer 3.19%
airline 2.84%
entertainment 2.78%
construction 2.45%
service 2.36%
music 2.18%
telecommunication 2.15%
entertainment + n. >>共 523
industry 15.13%
company 7.12%
business 4.92%
center 3.83%
value 3.54%
executive 2.45%
system 1.98%
program 1.66%
world 1.61%
giant 1.56%
每页显示:    共 608