1.   In a food processor, combine pecan pieces, bread crumbs, salt and pepper.

2.   Pull back from plastic wrap and sprinkle each log with pecan pieces.

3.   Put pecan pieces, dark brown sugar and butter in a food processor.

4.   Spread pecan pieces in prebaked Butter Crust Pie Dough shell.

5.   Spread pecan pieces evenly on bottom.

6.   Stir in the pecan pieces and mix well.

7.   Using rubber scraper, fold in graham crackers and pecan pieces.

8.   Using a rubber scraper, fold in graham crackers and pecan pieces.

n. + piece >>共 668
artillery 8.63%
bite-size 5.08%
opinion 3.72%
op-ed 2.20%
art 1.92%
chess 1.86%
performance 1.86%
theater 1.52%
ensemble 1.30%
companion 1.24%
pecan 0.45%
pecan + n. >>共 67
pie 26.67%
tree 11.25%
half 10.00%
orchard 5.00%
piece 3.33%
leaf 2.50%
praline 2.50%
shell 2.50%
cake 1.67%
mixture 1.67%
每页显示:    共 8