1.   Are pecan leaves good for putting in a compost pile and then using in the garden?

2.   But since our soils are alkaline, I prefer to mix pecan leaves with other organic matter and make a compost to use as mulch.

3.   Some gardeners like shredded pecan leaves in a mulch because they are fibrous and decompose slowly.

4.   The top is a leaf, a pecan leaf.

5.   We use pecan leaves in our compost.

6.   Yes, you can compost pecan leaves.

n. + leaf >>共 345
lettuce 6.65%
tea 6.31%
basil 5.89%
coca 5.82%
mint 4.92%
banana 4.50%
tobacco 3.33%
lime 2.22%
palm 2.01%
cilantro 1.87%
pecan 0.42%
pecan + n. >>共 67
pie 26.67%
tree 11.25%
half 10.00%
orchard 5.00%
piece 3.33%
leaf 2.50%
praline 2.50%
shell 2.50%
cake 1.67%
mixture 1.67%
每页显示:    共 6