1.   Baste the turkey with pan drippings, or use flavored liquids such as fruit juice, honey-mustard or bourbon.

2.   Add vinegar and wine, and scrape up any pan drippings.

3.   Add the plantains and toss them in the pan drippings until coated.

4.   Adding celery, onions, fresh herbs, etc. to the cavity, would provide moisture and flavor, especially to the pan drippings.

5.   Coat again with paprika, and baste with the pan drippings.

6.   Degrease and reserve pan drippings.

7.   Degrease pan drippings, retaining all juice and sediment.

8.   Drizzle reserved pan drippings over bread crumbs.

9.   Even though this is more salt than is called for in many recipes, we wanted to have a flavorful skin and great pan drippings.

10.   He places neck bones and gizzards in the roasting pan along with diced root vegetables to flavor the pan drippings, to which he adds maple syrup or honey.

n. + dripping >>共 15
pan 41.33%
bacon 28.00%
turkey 8.00%
candle 4.00%
candle-wax 2.67%
heat 2.67%
meat 2.67%
chili 1.33%
fish 1.33%
oil 1.33%
pan + n. >>共 82
juice 31.89%
dripping 10.30%
sauce 9.63%
spray 7.64%
bottom 2.99%
side 1.99%
size 1.99%
liquid 1.66%
bagnat 1.33%
dulce 1.33%
每页显示:    共 31