1.   An oven thermometer with a temperature probe on a long wire is handy for determining when the grill is hot enough.

2.   Be sure to test the temperature of your oven with an oven thermometer.

3.   - Use an oven thermometer to routinely check the temperature of your oven to find out if it is baking at the correct temperature.

4.   Check it with an oven thermometer, which is a wise investment for any baker.

5.   Essentially, you forget how to take the temperature of your holiday without the benefit of a turkey baster and an oven thermometer.

6.   For best cookie-baking results, be sure the temperature or your oven is accurately calibrated by using a mercury oven thermometer to check it.

7.   However, an oven thermometer will assist bakers in making sure that their ovens are calibrated properly so their baked efforts will turn out well.

8.   Place an oven thermometer, available at department and kitchen supply stores, in your oven to check the exact temperature.

9.   Simply invest in and keep an oven thermometer hung from a rack in the center of the oven at all times.

n. + thermometer >>共 34
meat 36.49%
candy 12.84%
mercury 8.78%
ear 8.11%
oven 6.08%
key-chain 2.03%
pacifier 2.03%
fever 1.35%
food 1.35%
bank 1.35%
oven + n. >>共 75
rack 15.46%
door 11.84%
dish 11.51%
mitt 9.54%
temperature 7.24%
heat 4.28%
pan 3.62%
broiler 2.96%
thermometer 2.96%
cleaner 2.63%
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