1.   Urban neighborhoods, ranchers and farmers have organized to block proposed lines from passing through their land.

2.   But both sides of Northern Ireland society fear that this July will again prove violent, since militant Catholics in Portadown are organizing to block the annual parade again.

3.   In recent years, Catholic militants have organized to block marches which go through predominantly Catholic areas.

4.   Incidents of rail tampering rose earlier this year as activists organized to block a shipment from being moved from Bavaria to the north.

v. + block >>共 123
sue 19.44%
use 10.03%
fight 3.76%
work 3.13%
court 2.82%
can 2.19%
be 2.19%
intervene 2.19%
file 2.19%
lobby 2.19%
organize 1.25%
organize + v. >>共 125
fight 4.87%
help 4.42%
promote 4.42%
accord 3.10%
protect 2.65%
protest 2.65%
demand 2.21%
discuss 1.77%
block 1.77%
finance 1.33%
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