1.   Bondholders have been fighting to block the plan because it would severely reduce the value of the collateral backing their bonds.

2.   All of this has put the Clinton administration in an awkward position of fighting to block a Puerto Rican constituency that is normally an ally.

3.   Breaux said he was undecided while Nelson said he would fight to block the McCain-Feingold measure by supporting a filibuster.

4.   During the Taiwan presidential campaign, China mounted a menacing verbal campaign against Chen, and reiterated its position that it would fight to block formal independence.

5.   No, says Karen Ignagni, who represents managed care plans that are fighting to block demonstrations designed to foster competition.

6.   Planners for other services would fight to block any increase in Osprey spending at the expense of their programs.

7.   The White House and Senate Democrats, arguing that no witnesses are needed to resolve the case, fought to block the videotapes.

8.   Opposition parties, who fought to block the legislation, also accuse the government of catering to powerful media owners.

9.   Environmental and native Indian groups are fighting to block construction, claiming it will inflict ecological damage and disrupt Indian communities.

10.   The Bush administration, which has pushed for closer commercial ties to Mexico, said Wednesday it would fight to block the measure in the Senate.

v. + block >>共 123
sue 19.44%
use 10.03%
fight 3.76%
work 3.13%
court 2.82%
can 2.19%
be 2.19%
intervene 2.19%
file 2.19%
lobby 2.19%
fight + v. >>共 419
keep 10.25%
get 3.72%
oust 3.07%
save 2.84%
end 2.65%
overthrow 2.38%
stay 2.23%
preserve 2.15%
maintain 1.84%
have 1.80%
block 0.46%
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