1.   And he said opposition mayors who took control of other cities would do the same.

2.   But the administration is beginning to consider how to help some areas of Serbia where opposition party mayors are in power.

3.   But three years later, he became the first opposition mayor of Mexico City, the post he left for his current effort.

4.   Francisco Villareal, the opposition mayor of this border city, was fed up.

5.   Last year voters elected an opposition party mayor, Cuauhtemoc Cardenas, who then appointed a new cadre of borough chiefs.

6.   Local officials say the city cannot pay its electric bills because Meciar is withholding funds to punish voters for choosing an opposition mayor.

7.   The Party of the Democratic Revolution was founded by Cuauhtemoc Cardenas Solorzano, who won election last year as the first opposition mayor in Mexico City.

8.   The West should support democracy in Serbia by helping groups like the independent media and opposition mayors, perhaps even helping them rebuild factories or infrastructure in their cities.

9.   Thus, making contact with opposition party mayors in towns where the protests have sprung up is almost impossible.

10.   Another opposition mayor was chosen, and Tudjman rejected him as well.

n. + mayor >>共 110
deputy 44.94%
city 8.78%
town 6.10%
opposition 3.13%
village 3.13%
big-city 2.98%
small-town 1.93%
two-term 1.93%
woman 1.49%
lord 1.49%
opposition + n. >>共 248
party 21.50%
leader 20.59%
group 9.11%
politician 4.35%
force 2.89%
lawmaker 2.79%
figure 2.62%
candidate 2.59%
member 2.51%
supporter 2.01%
mayor 0.08%
每页显示:    共 21