1.   Although this particular occasion was rather Marred by our mishap it was great to meet old friends again.

2.   At her funeral, an old friend, Mr Philip Jones gave fitting tribute to her life and work.

3.   By the end of the year, the two old friends were no longer on speaking terms.

4.   Carolyn Staley knew that day last week had to be hard on her old friend, Bill Clinton.

5.   Correspondence is, for me, a luxury which stirs my sensibilities, especially if it be with an old friend.

6.   Diana stays at Highgrove and entertains her old friend David Waterhouse for lunch.

7.   Even so, he remains very loyal to his old friends.

8.   Every year Peter goes on a fishing trip with all his old friends.

a. + friend >>共 466
close 15.12%
old 11.95%
best 9.57%
good 7.22%
longtime 6.21%
family 4.90%
new 3.79%
personal 1.63%
closest 1.37%
mutual 1.26%
old + n. >>共 1367
friend 4.16%
day 3.78%
one 2.74%
woman 1.55%
people 1.29%
system 1.26%
way 1.20%
house 1.18%
building 1.06%
lady 0.87%
每页显示:    共 1542