1.   All of them were vaguely connected by work, or school, or mutual friends.

2.   He did not say so, but I presumed that a mutual friend had told him about my separation and divorce.

3.   It was enough to have discovered one true mutual friend whose testimony could be relied upon.

4.   She was a staunch Methodist and a great admirer of our mutual friend Edna Jacques, of whom we often spoke.

5.   The couple were introduced to each other by a mutual friend.

6.   We met through mutual friends a couple months ago, and we see each other most weekends.

7.   We only learnt about their divorce second-hand from some mutual friends.

8.   Yes, he must have, though l had no word from mutual friends or my parents or sister.

9.   Jill is a mutual friend of ours.

10.   We were introduced by a mutual friend.

a. + friend >>共 466
close 15.12%
old 11.95%
best 9.57%
good 7.22%
longtime 6.21%
family 4.90%
new 3.79%
personal 1.63%
closest 1.37%
mutual 1.26%
mutual + n. >>共 534
respect 7.95%
friend 5.06%
recognition 5.02%
interest 4.44%
trust 3.33%
understanding 3.18%
agreement 3.11%
admiration 2.56%
benefit 2.19%
distrust 2.19%
每页显示:    共 163