1.   Members of Congress have questioned the State Department about how Wang obtained a visa and whether officials knew of his arms background.

2.   Officials know that fixing up the area will bring in more visitors, and eventually new businesses.

3.   McGlinchey further alleged that senior company officials knew exactly who he was -- a claim which they have already denied.

4.   A spokesman for the regional prosecutor in the central city of Lodz said all officials there knew about the law was what they had read in the papers.

5.   All-Tech officials should have known Barton especially posed a threat to its employees and customers, Weinstock said Tuesday.

6.   Although the White House criticized the provision, Gingrich said the administration officials knew it was in the bill.

7.   Also, she said, testing helps officials know how widespread the problem is.

8.   American officials do not know with certainty that any violence will materialize.

9.   American officials knew him well from his days as a commander supported by the United States in the Afghan resistance battle against the Soviet Union.

10.   And airline officials know that individuals who make the effort to understand on-line technology also are apt to welcome other new advances.

n. + know >>共 914
people 7.61%
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player 2.30%
fan 1.94%
scientist 1.90%
world 1.74%
company 1.66%
police 1.62%
man 1.41%
team 1.28%
official + v. >>共 435
say 47.50%
be 4.69%
decline 1.52%
deny 1.31%
tell 1.13%
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confirm 0.91%
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