1.   Successful companies know the importance of establishing good relationships with their customers.

2.   The company knew that their run of good luck would not last forever.

3.   The miners were browbeaten into working in a part of the mine that the company knew to be dangerous.

4.   Theoretical transfer pricing is all very well, but in practice not many companies will know their Marginal cost and revenue functions.

5.   Your best bet is to let the insurance company know that you have a fish tank before you take out a policy.

6.   When the company knew it had won an Award it telexed the Saudis.

7.   On the other hand, the company always knew which part would be his.

8.   It is totally unreasonable and the company knows it and it is making a fool of the County Council, which should be prosecuting.

9.   A. Before doing anything else, let the credit card company know that your card has been lost or stolen.

10.   Not least in America, where else, where companies know they can pick and choose among executives desperate to work again.

n. + know >>共 914
people 7.61%
official 3.07%
player 2.30%
fan 1.94%
scientist 1.90%
world 1.74%
company 1.66%
police 1.62%
man 1.41%
team 1.28%
company + v. >>共 706
say 10.43%
be 8.93%
have 5.81%
make 2.11%
plan 1.80%
announce 1.17%
use 1.16%
offer 1.13%
sell 1.08%
try 0.97%
know 0.21%
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