1.   There are obvious parallels with tobacco regulation, but does any government yet have the will to take this issue on?

2.   There is an obvious parallel with decreolisation, where a non-standard variety is modified to become closer to the standard.

3.   Beyond that, costs are driven by doctors, a group with no obvious parallel in other industries.

4.   Brosnan smiles ruefully at the obvious parallel here.

5.   But in terms of specifics, our life is so different from the lives of these characters that there were never any obvious parallels.

6.   But more startlingly personal than the obvious parallels is the fact that both Maupin and the fictional Noone are suffering from the disintegration of a long-term relationship.

7.   But they cautioned that it would be premature to extrapolate these finding to humans, despite what might seem to be obvious parallels.

8.   The Computervision and Digital cases had some obvious parallels.

9.   The obvious parallel is with the stock market.

10.   The obvious parallels were drawn, sometimes by Mitchell himself.

a. + parallel >>共 143
obvious 5.80%
historical 5.46%
close 4.44%
exact 3.75%
interesting 3.41%
striking 3.07%
closest 2.39%
disturbing 2.39%
modern 2.39%
strong 2.39%
obvious + n. >>共 1159
reason 6.17%
choice 3.71%
sign 2.56%
question 2.38%
candidate 2.07%
way 2.05%
problem 1.78%
example 1.78%
difference 1.76%
answer 1.74%
parallel 0.35%
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