1.   A second obvious problem is the striking blank where normally we would expect to find discussion of content.

2.   Anxiety in the horse has many other unfortunate side effects besides the obvious problems of handling and riding such horses.

3.   But obvious problems will centre on the security situation, and the reconstruction of the defence forces and the economy.

4.   Sympathetic typifications of Catholics do little to lessen the obvious problem of being attacked while walking the beat.

5.   Technicians can identify only obvious problems, such as malformed sperm heads or tails.

6.   The most obvious problem, the coup de grace, was a quite unexpected side-effect.

7.   There are a number of obvious problems with the application of this rule, since its interpretation varies from person to person.

8.   There are obvious problems for the stability of the state if these different groups are in conflict with each other.

9.   As Rubinfeld notes, this is all right if everyone in the community is identical, but it causes an obvious problem if there is heterogeneity.

10.   On match days, there is an obvious problem -- Eric is happily chasing about for all to see, so the desired mistaken identity is a non-starter.

a. + problem >>共 705
serious 4.46%
economic 3.74%
major 3.48%
financial 2.66%
biggest 2.34%
technical 1.95%
only 1.92%
big 1.91%
potential 1.91%
real 1.87%
obvious 0.23%
obvious + n. >>共 1159
reason 6.17%
choice 3.71%
sign 2.56%
question 2.38%
candidate 2.07%
way 2.05%
problem 1.78%
example 1.78%
difference 1.76%
answer 1.74%
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