1.   Nutrition information is available for existing recipes and can be figured for any added recipe.

2.   Private industry uses them to dispense nutrition information.

3.   The materials cover the production and manufacture of milk and dairy products, as well as providing nutrition information.

4.   Although pork and poultry processors have started including nutrition information, beef processors have not, and neither have supermarkets.

5.   Although it can be difficult to figure out which arm of the USDA handles which food issue, the site is a wealth of reliable nutrition information.

6.   Articles are peer-reviewed and represent the latest, most accurate nutrition information.

7.   Bauer also provides readers with up-to-date health and fitness news, training programs and advice, nutrition information and recipes, plus the latest on fitness walking equipment.

8.   A new study has found that companies that offer nutrition information and provide healthy food choices in their cafeterias significantly improve the dietary habits of their employees.

9.   But Dr. Michael Jacobson, executive director of the center, said that the findings correspond quite closely with the nutrition information provided by Taco Bell.

10.   Companies often display nutrition information in their lunchrooms and subsidize nutrition classes with lectures and menus and recipes to take home.

n. + information >>共 901
intelligence 6.50%
background 3.26%
health 2.88%
customer 1.97%
consumer 1.77%
travel 1.69%
account 1.57%
contact 1.57%
business 1.54%
government 1.54%
nutrition 0.71%
nutrition + n. >>共 133
program 16.52%
expert 6.74%
information 6.09%
label 5.22%
center 2.39%
standard 2.17%
therapy 1.96%
education 1.74%
guideline 1.52%
business 1.52%
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