1.   Customer profiles External information was available from a wide variety of sources.

2.   These new steps will also ensure that Verio customer information is not disclosed to unauthorized parties.

3.   Amazon.com also shares customer information with its partners, including companies that help Amazon.com fill orders, deliver packages and analyze data.

4.   Ameritech handles transfers of customer information electronically, while Pacific Bell still relies on antiquated paper documentation, Elkins said.

5.   And one of the most valuable assets Internet companies have to sell, he said, is customer information.

6.   As part of that act, consumer and privacy advocates wanted strong protections on customer information.

7.   Backed by a diverse coalition, Shelby led an unsuccessful effort last year to restrict the ability of banks to sell or trade personal customer information.

8.   He said British authorities have pressured his payment provider to turn over customer information.

9.   Britton said the company met with BRI yesterday and found that some telemarketers were telling customers wrong information.

10.   But an e-mail marketing campaign last week for its Web site, Nordstrom.com, illustrates the pitfalls of relaxing standards on protecting customer information.

n. + information >>共 901
intelligence 6.50%
background 3.26%
health 2.88%
customer 1.97%
consumer 1.77%
travel 1.69%
account 1.57%
contact 1.57%
business 1.54%
government 1.54%
customer + n. >>共 577
service 21.16%
base 7.84%
complaint 3.44%
representative 3.19%
satisfaction 3.01%
demand 2.81%
loyalty 2.13%
support 1.79%
information 1.77%
order 1.72%
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