1.   Already, several milestones have been noted.

2.   That might sound like so much Communist Party drivel to an outsider, but party historians doubtless noted the milestone.

3.   The museum itself depicts the civil rights movement through the prism of the Birmingham experience, with timelines that note milestones in that city along with their national context.

4.   These milestones should be noted by parents, child experts say, not only for their sentimental value but as signs of proper development.

v. + milestone >>共 73
reach 29.77%
mark 19.40%
pass 5.02%
represent 4.35%
achieve 3.34%
celebrate 3.01%
hit 2.68%
announce 1.67%
cross 1.34%
note 1.34%
note + n. >>共 868
shower 2.95%
difference 2.20%
change 1.97%
improvement 1.50%
increase 1.50%
progress 1.45%
problem 1.31%
absence 1.22%
concern 1.17%
report 1.17%
milestone 0.19%
每页显示:    共 4