1.   Anderson noted another concern.

2.   But last fall, some TEA officials noted their concern over the policy, when they did a routine audit of the Waco school district.

3.   In a telephone interview Sunday, Pataki noted the concerns of critics but said the slower pace was aimed mostly at Washington.

4.   Jospin and Chirac ran lackluster campaigns, while Le Pen espoused his anti-crime rhetoric and criticized the establishment for failing to note the concerns of everyday people.

5.   Still, he notes that concern about third-quarter profits turned out to be largely unfounded.

6.   The pastor also noted his concern that Thomas kept a bedside picture of a boy he had met at a church camp.

7.   This week, his colleagues noted their concern as well.

8.   A spokeswoman for Prime Minister Jim Bolger said the Chinese concerns have been noted, but the meeting would go ahead.

9.   But he noted the concerns in Congress, which must vote on the lifting of the Jackson-Vanik trade restrictions on Russia.

10.   Germany opened its case Monday by denouncing the death penalty and noting its concern that dozens of foreigners now on death row may not have received proper consular representation.

v. + concern >>共 357
express 28.84%
raise 12.57%
voice 5.84%
have 4.55%
cite 3.40%
address 3.24%
ease 3.21%
cause 2.32%
allay 1.46%
dismiss 1.36%
note 0.14%
note + n. >>共 868
shower 2.95%
difference 2.20%
change 1.97%
improvement 1.50%
increase 1.50%
progress 1.45%
problem 1.31%
absence 1.22%
concern 1.17%
report 1.17%
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