1.   She had started having nose bleeds, but when she mentioned this to her doctor, he told her not to worry.

2.   A nose bleed, lump in the neck and hearing loss in one ear are clues to the diagnosis of naso-pharyngeal cancer.

3.   He had persistent nose bleeds.

4.   Jackson is joined at the hip with Michael Jordan, and Pitino gets nose bleeds climbing over the Rocky Mountains.

5.   Some had nose bleeds and others were foaming at the mouth.

6.   We have constant complaints about nose bleeds.

7.   Other symptoms include a runny nose, lower abdominal pain, nose bleeds and a skin rash.

8.   Dengue fever, which is carried by daytime biting mosquitoes, causes high fever, rash, nose bleeds and sometimes shock and internal bleeding.

9.   Dengue fever, which is carried by daytime biting mosquitoes, causes high fever, rash, nose bleeds and, in severe cases, shock and internal bleeding.

10.   Guillen did miss several games because of nose bleeds.

n. + bleed >>共 17
nose 42.55%
cedar 21.28%
index 4.26%
withdrawal 4.26%
asset 2.13%
beet 2.13%
brain 2.13%
cost 2.13%
ear 2.13%
grout 2.13%
nose + n. >>共 98
tackle 19.56%
dive 13.78%
guard 13.61%
ring 12.59%
surgery 4.42%
bleed 3.40%
hair 2.72%
operation 2.38%
drop 2.04%
gear 1.70%
每页显示:    共 20