nose tackle 7.57   The key is nose tackle.
  nose dive 5.33   It was the second nose dive for Nokia.
  nose guard 5.27   I might be nose guard next.
  nose ring 4.87   Can petite nose rings be far behind?
  nose surgery 1.71   Yeltsin is in a Moscow hospital, recuperating from nose surgery.
  nose bleed 1.32   He had persistent nose bleeds.
  nose hair 1.05   I now have no nose hair.
  nose operation 0.92   He underwent cosmetic surgery and had three nose operations.
  nose drop 0.79   Peterson never uses nose drops.
  nose gear 0.66   The back wheels touch down first, then the nose gear.
  nose wheel 0.66   The impact jammed the nose wheel and dented the undercarriage.
  nose spray 0.59   Pack your nose spray.
  nose stud 0.46   She was wearing a leather jacket and a silver nose stud.
  nose clip 0.39   How do they smile with those nose clips on and one leg in the air?
  nose section 0.33   The nose section was covered with a green cloth.
  nose plug 0.26   Pass the nose plugs.
  nose right 0.26   I put my nose right down to table level and studied the situation.
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