1.   Candidates may clamor for newspaper endorsements and media coverage, but sometimes press attention can be a bad thing.

2.   Much debate surrounds newspaper endorsement of candidates these days.

3.   Newspaper political endorsements are not done for fun, profit or power.

4.   Strickland made tactical errors, but Cremeans lost important newspaper endorsements.

5.   The Street advertisements quoted newspaper endorsements of Street that chided Weinberg for exploiting racial tensions.

6.   Tony Snow, a former Detroit News editorial writer and the host of Fox News Sunday, believes in newspaper endorsements.

7.   A second touted newspaper endorsement.

8.   Bradley picked up newspaper endorsements Sunday from The Hartford Courant and The Maine Sunday Telegram.

9.   Bradley picked up newspaper endorsements Sunday from The Hartford Courant and The Maine Sunday Telegram and was attending a rally in Vancouver before discussing the campaign on America Online.

10.   He is also running a new batch of positive television commercials in the state, including one out Thursday that quotes from a trio of newspaper endorsements.

n. + endorsement >>共 91
celebrity 17.26%
product 12.39%
government 5.75%
newspaper 4.42%
athlete 3.98%
labor 3.54%
blanket 2.65%
last-minute 1.77%
year 1.77%
campaign 1.33%
newspaper + n. >>共 594
report 18.62%
article 5.75%
editor 5.15%
ad 3.82%
interview 3.66%
reporter 3.60%
columnist 3.10%
column 2.94%
story 2.60%
publisher 2.59%
endorsement 0.13%
每页显示:    共 10