1.   Best-selling books, magazine articles and newspaper columns publicised his ideas.

2.   Can this city survive without its traditional battalions of colorful characters swaggering through saloons and newspaper columns?

3.   For years she was one of the best-loved personalities in the newspaper gossip columns.

4.   Instead, the information related solely to a forthcoming newspaper column which recommended the shares of particular companies.

5.   She writes a newspaper column on gardening.

6.   She writes a regular newspaper column about gardening.

7.   Should he try to write a newspaper column?

8.   Thousands of people knew him from his radio and television appearances and weekly newspaper column for the Los Angeles Times.

9.   Tony Lewis, the chairman, set out the rationale in his newspaper column.

10.   Newspaper columns were full of scandalous tales.

n. + column >>共 324
newspaper 17.98%
gossip 7.54%
loss 3.61%
win 3.45%
advice 3.21%
steel 2.81%
humor 1.93%
opinion 1.85%
tank 1.77%
refugee 1.77%
newspaper + n. >>共 594
report 18.62%
article 5.75%
editor 5.15%
ad 3.82%
interview 3.66%
reporter 3.60%
columnist 3.10%
column 2.94%
story 2.60%
publisher 2.59%
每页显示:    共 223