1.   In the nineteenth century, economic expansion through imperialism was seen as the panacea for the mounting social problems.

2.   Westman says he is genuinely optimistic about our ability to solve our mounting social problems.

3.   For some years Pan Am had been selling some of its more profitable routes to rivals, in an effort to head off its mounting financial problems.

4.   On South Africa, the communiqu welcomed the dismantling of apartheid but drew attention to mounting social problems and declining economic prospects for the majority of the population.

5.   An increase would help Electricidad de Caracas, which suspended several dividends last year because of mounting financial problems.

6.   An out-of-work Syrian immigrant despondent over mounting financial problems fatally shot his wife and their three young sons and then killed himself, police said.

7.   But analysts conceded that a rate cut alone would not solve the mounting problems in Russia, Asia and elsewhere that have frightened investors in recent weeks.

8.   But industry and public health officials see the recent cases as evidence of a mounting problem.

9.   By September, the Bush campaign recognized its mounting problems and began competing for the elderly with a heavy investment in advertising.

10.   Cellular phone fraud has been a mounting problem in this fast-growing business.

a. + problem >>共 705
serious 4.46%
economic 3.74%
major 3.48%
financial 2.66%
biggest 2.34%
technical 1.95%
only 1.92%
big 1.91%
potential 1.91%
real 1.87%
mounting 0.15%
mounting + n. >>共 412
pressure 13.01%
tension 6.01%
criticism 5.39%
loss 5.23%
evidence 4.95%
debt 4.72%
concern 4.52%
problem 2.16%
opposition 2.08%
call 1.69%
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