mounting pressure 21.79   Geffen dismisses the mounting pressure.
  mounting tension 10.07   The attacks came amid mounting tension in Lebanon.
  mounting criticism 9.02   But the policy is drawing mounting criticism.
  mounting loss 8.76   The plan is in response to mounting losses at DASA.
  mounting evidence 8.29   But mounting evidence suggests otherwise.
  mounting debt 7.90   They faced mounting debts.
  mounting concern 7.57   Stress is a mounting concern.
  mounting problem 3.62   The mounting problems have led to talk of a sale.
  mounting opposition 3.49   South Africa faces mounting opposition at home as the body count grows.
  mounting call 2.83   Maldini has faced mounting calls fob.
  mounting cost 2.37   Now he faces the bill and mounting costs.
  mounting crisis 2.24   The resumption of talks eased what was seen a mounting crisis.
  mounting violence 2.17   Her slaying comes amid mounting violence around the country.
  mounting frustration 1.91   Annan clearly views the continuing civil war there with mounting frustration.
  mounting attack 1.84   But it is clear that the organization is still capable of mounting attacks.
  mounting speculation 1.84   Leyland refuses to comment on the mounting speculation.
  mounting bill 1.78   Others point to mounting bills.
  mounting protest 1.65   The embassy has been the site of mounting protest.
  mounting number 1.38   Beijing faces a diplomatic clash over the mounting numbers of asylum-seekers.
  mounting allegation 1.32   Chirac, facing mounting allegations of corruption, was the first to go on the attack openly.
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