1.   Brian McRae said, in mock disbelief.

2.   Brian McRae asked in mock disbelief.

3.   Divac, the jovial center of the Sacramento Kings, shakes his head in mock disbelief, shuffles past and moseys into an adjacent training room.

4.   John Zmirak, a business writer and a delegate, also expressed mock disbelief at his fellow Republicans for staging the poll.

5.   Piniella asked in mock disbelief.

6.   Woods stared at Duval in mock disbelief, and Duval simply shrugged his shoulders.

a. + disbelief >>共 75
utter 10.43%
widespread 7.36%
stunned 6.75%
apparent 6.13%
total 4.91%
mock 3.68%
expressed 3.07%
shocked 3.07%
amused 2.45%
suspended 2.45%
mock + n. >>共 467
trial 4.17%
warhead 3.64%
battle 3.37%
horror 2.75%
debate 2.58%
execution 2.31%
draft 2.31%
raid 2.13%
funeral 1.95%
election 1.69%
disbelief 0.53%
每页显示:    共 6