1.   It uses multiple media data types.

2.   Using this process, full motion, full frame video can be delivered together with the full range of other media types.

3.   Media item One item of a particular media type, for example, one disk or magnetic tape.

4.   Once LIFESPAN knows about the media types, you can then proceed to tell it about the units on which these media types can be used.

5.   Now that LIFESPAN knows about the media types and units it can use, you can tell it about the specific media items you have available for it.

6.   Once LIFESPAN knows about its media types, available units and has some media items available for use, it is ready for the first Offline run.

7.   A volume set can be formatted for and produced on any of the three available media types.

n. + type >>共 663
body 5.18%
medium 4.90%
cell 4.62%
personality 4.00%
skin 1.86%
business 1.79%
soil 1.73%
industry 1.59%
aircraft 1.45%
tissue 1.17%
medium + n. >>共 677
report 10.66%
company 5.60%
attention 5.19%
coverage 4.39%
outlet 3.32%
magnate 1.66%
group 1.59%
organization 1.55%
campaign 1.45%
mogul 1.41%
type 0.51%
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