1.   But if William expects continued consideration from the rabid, royal-obsessed press, he will be disappointed, according to media observers.

2.   But media industry observers were more cautious.

3.   But media observers think CNN has little choice.

4.   But some media observers question news organizations that follow the candidates alone.

5.   But, church officials and local media observers say, the low-key approach has been a public relations boon for the LDS.

6.   Despite the somber news, media observers were adamant that his killing should not deter newsgathering.

7.   During pregame week in Los Angeles, media observers just carried on.

8.   Some media observers said the choice of an editor who is new to the Globe but not to the management of The New York Times was telling.

9.   The environment in which the Tailwind story was born makes it more troubling than the string of other recent media transgressions, some media observers say.

10.   When these media observers cite their own choices for the best journalism films, a common theme emerges.

n. + observer >>共 168
industry 30.69%
election 30.17%
market 5.19%
courtroom 1.85%
say 1.41%
court 1.14%
medium 1.06%
football 1.06%
business 0.97%
poll 0.97%
medium + n. >>共 677
report 10.66%
company 5.60%
attention 5.19%
coverage 4.39%
outlet 3.32%
magnate 1.66%
group 1.59%
organization 1.55%
campaign 1.45%
mogul 1.41%
observer 0.09%
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