1.   In the West, the value of materialism motivates individuals to invest time and energy producing and acquiring material possessions.

2.   Individual achievement is often symbolized and measured by the quality and quantity of material possessions that a person can accumulate.

3.   Many of them have lost all their material possessions as a result of the civil war.

4.   So great is the lure of material possessions!

5.   Society is composed of many different groups, which are unequal in power, status, and material possessions.

6.   The spiritual life is more important than material possessions.

7.   Unencumbered with material possessions or human relationships.

8.   We think of the desert of modern life with the concentration on material possessions and its resultant poverty.

9.   His few material possessions make it possible for him to move from place to place with ease.

10.   And we read that and we start thinking of richness in the terms of pounds and pence and material possessions.

a. + possession >>共 313
illegal 18.90%
next 6.97%
criminal 6.92%
sole 5.62%
first 4.69%
consecutive 3.02%
personal 3.02%
ensuing 2.37%
final 2.23%
prized 2.14%
material 1.53%
material + n. >>共 376
witness 15.21%
damage 9.18%
support 4.25%
thing 2.93%
world 2.76%
aid 2.47%
cost 1.95%
possession 1.89%
wealth 1.89%
comfort 1.84%
每页显示:    共 33