1.   Patrick has never set much store by material things.

2.   Your spiritual life is far more important than any material things you could acquire.

3.   Every room must have been stuffed with material things.

4.   Some people overvalue material things.

5.   Material things meant nothing to him.

6.   They are not anxious social climbers, and they have no devotion to material things.

7.   By the end of the nineteen fifties life in Orkney had come full circle and like everyone else we had acquired a taste for the material things in life.

8.   Now some of the inputs been prepared production of crackers, the production of sewing material things like that.

9.   Although alcohol was ever-present, he came from a good home, never wanting for material things.

10.   After years of loading up on material things, many consumers, particularly baby boomers, find that the only thing really lacking in their lives is leisure time.

a. + thing >>共 548
same 10.88%
only 7.33%
good 6.85%
right 4.11%
whole 4.09%
important 3.44%
best 2.91%
last 2.84%
first 2.53%
bad 2.38%
material 0.14%
material + n. >>共 376
witness 15.21%
damage 9.18%
support 4.25%
thing 2.93%
world 2.76%
aid 2.47%
cost 1.95%
possession 1.89%
wealth 1.89%
comfort 1.84%
每页显示:    共 51