1.   Reno had the marshals seize them.

2.   U.S. marshals seized the inventory and related documents in that case.

3.   Early Tuesday afternoon, Anderson said marshals seized a parsonage a few miles from the church where the elder Dixon had lived for years.

4.   Eventually, the marshals seized files and took custody of keys to storage facilities, the News said.

5.   Federal marshals seized a parsonage a few miles from the church on Tuesday afternoon, but have done nothing since.

6.   In September, a federal judge authorized marshals to seize the property, by force if necessary.

7.   On Tuesday afternoon, federal marshals seized a parsonage a few miles from the church.

n. + seize >>共 516
police 18.52%
rebel 7.04%
authority 5.20%
troop 5.04%
force 4.22%
government 2.98%
agent 2.90%
officer 2.71%
official 2.27%
soldier 1.89%
marshal 0.19%
marshal + v. >>共 141
be 12.07%
say 3.45%
have 3.10%
take 3.10%
arrest 2.41%
escort 2.41%
guard 2.41%
seize 2.41%
remove 2.07%
come 1.72%
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