police seize 45.03   Police seized a large number of weapons.
  rebel seize 17.12   The rebels have seized power.
  authority seize 12.64   Chinese authorities seized both vessels.
  troop seize 12.24   The troops also seized rebel arms.
  force seize 10.27   Unlike Hong Kong, it was never seized by force.
  government seize 7.24   The government seized most church property.
  agent seize 7.04   Instead, Customs agents seized the painting.
  officer seize 6.58   The officer also seized some business records.
  official seize 5.53   Officials then seized it.
  soldier seize 4.61   Soldiers seized the bones.
  army seize 4.34   The army has seized control of the city.
  gunman seize 3.49   The gunman seized the camera and fled on foot.
  investigator seize 3.03   Investigators seized computers from the home.
  group seize 2.76   A group of soldiers seized the airport.
  guerrilla seize 2.63   The guerrillas seized Bukavu last week.
  militant seize 2.30   Student militants seize U.S. Embassy in Tehran.
  fighter seize 2.17   The KNU said its fighters seized a large quantity of supplies.
  hijacker seize 1.97   Hijacker seizes passenger jet in Moscow, demands money.
  democrat seize 1.45   Democrats seized on that.
  leader seize 1.45   Leaders seize opportunities and push ahead.
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