1.   Several men are awaiting trial for robbery.

2.   Business began to wind down as men tacitly awaited the new regime.

3.   In Trinidad some condemned men have awaited execution even longer.

4.   Two men are awaiting trial accused of arson.

5.   A fourth defendant was found not guilty of all charges, and five other young men are awaiting trial.

6.   A white man was convicted of murdering Byrd and two other men are awaiting trial.

7.   Four other men are awaiting trial in that case, and new indictments and civil lawsuits are expected as part of a broad attack on corruption in Silicon Valley.

8.   In New Jersey, three men are awaiting trial on charges related to an alleged scam to buy and sell stolen Cornflakes.

9.   In the courtroom sat a handful of wives and friends, who blew kisses and waved as the men awaited their appearance before the judge.

10.   In the Phoenix area, at least six men are awaiting trial on charges of killing people on the roadways during the past two years.

n. + await >>共 837
trader 11.57%
investor 8.13%
market 3.64%
official 2.90%
company 1.86%
fate 1.62%
police 1.42%
player 1.32%
man 1.18%
authority 1.15%
man + v. >>共 806
be 16.98%
have 4.17%
say 2.59%
die 2.06%
take 1.23%
go 1.22%
come 1.10%
do 1.07%
wear 0.91%
make 0.90%
await 0.08%
每页显示:    共 35