1.   The company is registered to manufacture, distribute and sell lumber products.

2.   Bowater also makes coated groundwood paper, which is used in magazines and advertising inserts, uncoated papers, bleached kraft pulp and lumber products.

3.   Builders have turned to composite lumber products made from wood fibers and recycled plastic.

4.   Domtar makes fine paper, packaging, pulp and lumber products.

5.   Exports of autos, lumber products and minerals are just three of the many sectors that could be threatened by a protectionist surge, analysts said.

6.   Food, furniture and metal products exports increased almost tenfold, while the sales of agricultural crops more than doubled, paper products tripled and lumber products grew fivefold.

7.   Most of that is lumber products, wheat and oil.

8.   Now it is softwood lumber products.

9.   Stottrup also said the dimensions of engineered lumber products are more dependable than what comes directly from trees.

10.   The main problem is a vast oversupply of lumber, which set off a free fall in prices for two-by-fours, plywood and other lumber products.

a. + product >>共 1193
new 12.90%
domestic 3.88%
gross 3.54%
dairy 2.76%
agricultural 2.43%
finished 1.94%
japanese 1.10%
similar 1.02%
american 0.97%
industrial 0.97%
lumber 0.07%
lumber + n. >>共 95
price 15.60%
industry 9.19%
company 8.49%
mill 7.11%
yard 7.11%
store 6.24%
producer 4.68%
export 3.64%
future 2.43%
product 2.25%
每页显示:    共 13